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Training Paraeducators to Teach Middle School Math: Lillie May Charter School


Lillie May Charter School was not able to find certified math teachers for their 7th and 8th grade classes. They brought in two long-term substitutes– one who had math understanding but not the math pedagogy. The other was an experienced teacher, but not in 7th grade math. Lillie May wanted to invest in the two substitutes to become certified teachers through the alternative certification program.


Eurekii trainer met with each sub once a week going through specific content the teachers were to teach that week. The sessions included content review to confirm math understanding and proficiency with several pedagogical strategies to best convey the content. Sessions included discussion of common misconceptions and areas for differentiation, as well as opportunities for enrichment and challenge.
In conjunction with the substitute training, the Eurekii team provided small group, in-class online tutoring for students during intervention blocks to ensure content understanding.


Students in grades 7 and 8 performed 100% to 300% better with two paraeducators than they did in past years with a certified math teacher. A record number of students enrolled in Baltimore City’s top most competitive high schools than ever in the school’s history.
